Poster pitches and poster session 1

Poster pitches and poster session 1

PASTA: Pattern Analysis for Spatial Omics Data

An Open Software Development-based Ecosystem of R Packages for Proteomics Data Analysis

scpGUI and QFeaturesGUI: Graphical Interfaces for Single-Cell and Bulk Proteomics

An Open Software Development-based Ecosystem of R Packages for Metabolomics Data Analysis

Differential Correlation Analysis and Biological Function Inference on Single Cell Proteomics

From Cancer-Testis genes to Cancer-Testis enhancers

gINTomics visualizer, a powerful shiny app for multiomics data integration visualization.

A streamlined platform for cell type-specific prediction of TF binding

Diagnostic and filtering of genomic DNA contamination in RNA-seq data with gDNAx

Bulk vs single-cell proteomics: is there a need for identification optimization?

Deciphering tumour cell interactions and communications from the gene expression profiles of single cells RNA sequencing data

Enhancing Plasmodium Research through PlasmoRUtils: A one-stop R Package for Apicomplexan Biology

The analysis of tumour microenvironment cell composition from a single-cell perspective.

Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Enhanced Prediction of Cardiometabolic Diseases from Multiomics Data

Big-data scheme for inquiring the shared mobilome in livestock and human gut microbiomes

Comprehensive and standardised workflow for single-cell proteomics data analysis using scp and scplainer.